why our music limits us

i was just listening to some good violin. i’d recommend this track to anyone, its called “First of May”. dunno who played though. nevertheless, it was a great all violin instrumental, with a little bit ofย  guitar, some piano, and a bit of drums. but i wanted the violin only :S

so i tweaked my equaalizeer, and set it to cut out the bass (base, whatever you pronounce it as). that mostly eliminated the drums. i amped the mid range, and little bit of low to ensure i kept the G-string alive. some more tuning and it was great. i set the volume to a decent high, and whoa ๐Ÿ˜

my every nerve resonated to the violin. i could feel, i was being swept away by the highs and low. it made me not want to do anything, and enjoy the “buzz” ๐Ÿ˜€

then it struck me; and that’s exactly where the problem was.

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on love

they say, u’ll know when you fall in love. they say love swings by everyone’s life sometime; and someday, you’ll find the one you love.

love is not i-want-to-hump-you. neither is it lets-make-love-honey. you can’t fall in love at first sight. the only reason u feel like it, is because, at first sight, some things happen, and you pick some things up. only later, after expanding the equation, you realize if that was it, or not.

love is something much much deeper. i wouldn’t know what it is, but i know what it isn’t. maybe love’s when you trust the other person, and you know you can depend on that person. being around feels like being at home, and you can be whatever you want, look whatever you want. you don’t have to watch what you are saying, because you know, the other person understands you. you work together, in harmony, like clockwork cogs. like a missing piece of you in the other person, a void that is filled. that’s friendship, that’s love. we like to reduce it to physics and chemistry and positioning; the gushing of hormones, and the consumption of chocolate. the lights turned out, or a lonely desolate quiet private area. dinner at that wonderful new restaurant, or the price tag on that new piece of white n shiny carved out rock.

that isn’t what its all about, but that isn’t what it is completely without either. there’s priority; there’s balance. as long as you know you’ve got choices, and the handy reset button, no one give’s a damn to take some time out and think about it.

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my exams

exams are, were, and will always be a royal pain the arse. over the course of the last few days, i faced 3 very varying difficult and different exams. in one of them, i could answer squat. in the other, i could answer all but didn’t have the time. in the other, i wasn’t sure about most of my answers. Three very different scenarios. Three of very similar cause.

so i was stuck. i couldn’t answer for i did not know the answer. no matter how much i thought about it, i could never go to that answer i was required to write. so i answered a few questions of my own. and since they would not bring me marks, i did not write them. i pondered for a while before submitting my paper. and then i left ๐Ÿ™‚

our education system is on a spiralling, geometrically progressing, course of descent. the rate at which we go down increases with every passing day, as time tested methods proven for failure are applied and fed, Over and Over again.

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technology should have been more advanced!

this talks about geometric progressions, and exponential growth. how population, an exponentially growing element, should have led to exponentially growing possibilities. but instead, we’r stuck in a deteriorating state.

imagine a traffic jam. a long one. when the light’s green, the cars accelerate and cross a line, a line that divides this side of the road from the other. if the cars accelerate, and assuming a trouble free road (where they don’t have to stop again), the speed of any car crossing that line is increasing. the difference of speed between a car that has crossed and is crossing now, is getting bigger. the speeds are increasing.. going higher and higher.

this is geometric progression. exponential growth. its like a rubber band; the more you pull, the further apart the atoms go, and the difference doesn’t increase linearly with the distance you are stretching..it increases exponentially.

does one remember the times of Einstein and Newton? of Darwin and Copernicus? has anyone else noticed how these all-changing theories popped out, one after another after another. in what would seem a very small time, humanity had traveresed accross so many territories of thought, found so many things.

with exponentially increasing population, shoudn’t we have traversed the planet at an exponential rate? with more people working on similar projects, shouldn’t we have cut down on the delivery-time dramatically? and with exponentially increasing population, shouldn’t we also have more people thinking of more and more innovations in more and more fields of expertise?

while i was bent trying to use coal as fuel, wouldn’t tom try to get a head start by looking at alternate forms of energy? couldn’t dick have ditched us both and researched on chemical reactions and the energy they release as a source of energy? if harry had let any of us a helping hand, wouldn’t we get done with our innovations faster, and had more time to appreciate and improve on, or move on from our ideas!

why would i be bent on crude oil, if i understood it was a limited resource and, read about your ideas on making machinery run with water – a cleaner, and readily renewable source of energy? why would i produce carbon when i see promise in your idea of getting the energy out of the process that makes water!

i’d have to really be an idiot to do that. a finely programmed idiot, with no ability to think freely, or to critically analyze a given situation. i’d have to roll over based on commands, without thought or recognition, without sense, on a puddle of shit.

we are in a world where we are fed to believe lies, and are doctrined to wield lies as our greatest weapon against this crisis called life.